The Sanatana Dharma Paripalana Seva Trust New Zealand was incorporated as a trust ( No 2718691) under the Charitable Trusts Act, 1957
The Trust has been granted “Charitable Status” under the Charities Act,2005 and its Registered Charity number is CC 56159.
Donations to the Trust are eligible to Tax Credit of 33.33 % of the amount donated, if you are a tax payer.

Sarvejana sukhino bhavantu
May the people of the world be happy
vasudhaiva kutumbakam
the world is one family
dharmo rakshati rakshitah
Dharma protects the upholder of dharma
To promote the global bonding of all cultures through the philosophy of Vasudhaiva kutumbakam – meaning the whole world is one big family.
To establish a Religious Institution dedicated to providing services as per Sanatana Dharma.
Promote the knowledge of Hindu philosophy contained in the various Hindu holy scriptures and encourage multi-cultural appreciation to anyone that is interested.
Provide a platform where the children, youth and wider interested community can gather to listen, question and incorporate Sanatana Dharma related teachings and ideals in their daily life.
Provide help support and guidance to wider community on religious matters concerning one’s life and post-life duties.
Establish a place for worship for larger Hindu community and foster multi-cultural understanding by sharing and learning of various practices and differences
Build a spiritually vibrant society to spread goodness and values of Sanatana Dharma via education related to Hindu dharmas and values
Facilitate and conduct the education and learning of spirituality and Hindu holy scriptures, particularly with youth, to inculcate the timeless values of Sanatana Dharma
Celebrate Hindu festivals through-out the year to promote multi-cultural harmony and passing on of the rich Sanatana Dharma traditions to the younger generation

Dharma-samsthapanardhaya sambhavami yuge yuge
- Bhagavad Gita